
March 2016

Traveled: To southern Indiana a couple times, once to take Nora to the vet, and again to celebrate Easter with Nick’s family. We also made an overnight trip to Indianapolis at the beginning of the month to attend a fundraiser gala.

Read: The House of the Spirits, The Third Reich, The Mastery of Love, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Cat’s Out of the Bag

Listened: To most of the Serial podcasts. I’m talking about season one…I know, I am so behind the times. But the episodes have been great for the hours spent driving to and from Indiana (see above.)

Watched: Zootopia, while Nick was on spring break. It was a cute movie to watch on discount Tuesday. I don’t know if I should feel cool or uncool for having seen it before the girl I nanny has seen it…

Ran: 64 miles; I’m slowly building back up from the past month’s interruptions. Everything is feeling fine now, and the Papa John’s 10 Miler went relatively well. Up next month: KDF Mini Marathon!

Hiked: A new trail in Jefferson Memorial Forest, in a different recreation area than we normally tackle. We didn’t do a whole trail loop, but did an hour-long out and back before eating a picnic lunch next to Tom Wallace Lake.

Taught: So many yoga classes! 25, I think, which would be the most classes I’ve taught in a month, ever. Phew! I’m looking forward to toning it down in April.

Attended: Creative Mornings to hear Elizabeth O’Neill, Mater Taster at Woodford Reserve, talk about the theme of bourbon Change.

Facilitated: Another ice breaker/connector for Connecting Things Louisville. This month we heard from Mitchell Kersting of WorK Architecture + Design, so we posed the question, “What has been your most meaningful creation?”

Enjoyed: This story from The Atlantic about how running helps process memory, these thoughts on turning 30 (even though I’m 4 1/2 years away), and this motivation for lifelong health.

Drooled over: This brown rice penne for dinner, with this simple peanut butter graham crunch tart for dessert.


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