
Friday Five

1 I’ve developed a bit of a thing for sprinkles; I baked these brownies last weekend when my dad came to visit and we polished off the batch in no time. One item on my to-make list is this single-serving cookie. I also couldn’t help but adore these peanut butter cookies with sprinkle, better known as “unicorn bait.”

2 I’ve followed Kara Goucher’s career for as long as I’ve been interested in professional running. I have truly related to her struggle with injury and was happy to see her strong performance at the Olympic marathon trials, even though she came in fourth. She’s had a lot to say in the aftermath, but I liked this article about being a professional athlete and a mother.

3 This article about the stigma of doing things alone has been bouncing around the internet lately….I remember the first time I went to eat lunch by myself during a summer on campus and I felt so uncomfortable asking for a table for one. Now, I love going out for lunch or coffee by myself, and enjoy the time around people but not with people. Do you know what I mean?

Sometimes you need to treat yo' self, by yo' self
Sometimes you need to treat yo’ self, by yo’ self

4 10/10 would recommend listening to this short podcast interview between Jess Lively and Brené Brown about setting boundaries in relationships, something that’s not always easy to do. (I listened to this while I was baking the brownies mentioned above; hooray for multitasking!)

5 I don’t usually go for cocktails – I prefer a glass of wine, or a good beer on occasion – but I do almost always order one at The Silver Dollar. In addition to their great cocktails, they’ve got some southern classics on the menu, including fried dill pickles (my guilty pleasure!) and the brisket my dad ordered.

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Roses in the Snow: cognac, dry curaçao, raspberry syrup , lemon, and sparkling wine.

Friday Fitness: Last week I tweaked (technical term) my knee in a yoga class; there’s nothing structurally wrong, but it’s been irritated and interrupted my training a bit. My sports chiropractor (AKA my hero) put some kinesiology tape on it. Even though I trained hard for it, I’m no longer looking to chase a new PR in the 5K this weekend. Here’s how my (altered) training looks this week:

  • Monday: 2 mile run, 2 mile walk
  • Tuesday: 30 minute cycle with intervals, strength training
  • Wednesday: rest + sports chiro visit
  • Thursday: 2 miles, power yoga
  • Friday: rest
  • Saturday: Anthem 5K scheduled
  • Sunday: ??? (this will depend on how I’m feeling post-race)

Please feel free to link below if you’ve got a Friday post to share. Have a great weekend!

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